
The Australian Fashion Council (AFC) has updated the industry on its ongoing discussions with the New South Wales government to restart local garment manufacturing.

The AFC is advocating for local makers, aiming to get them added to the list of Authorised Workers who are allowed to attend work during lockdowns. 

In a statement, the AFC said that while the government is considering its request, its focus is currently on other priorities. 

"Unfortunately, local brands remain impacted and manufacturing businesses continue to suffer.

"While the NSW government is considering our request, their focus is on 'getting people back to work and industries opened up in the safest possible way in the shortest time frame possible.'

"While there has been great coverage in the media so far, we encourage our members to have their voices heard.

"We continue to advocate to the NSW Premier and Treasury for the COVID-safe return of our local manufacturing sector, and thank Alex Greenwich MP and Deputy Lord Mayor Jess Scully who wrote to the NSW Premier on our behalf - the industry is very grateful," the AFC said. 

To help the local industry get its voice heard, the AFC has released resources for the industry to use to lobby the government. 

These include a template letter to send to State and Federal Members of Parliament, as well as a survey to indicate how the business will operate in a COVID-safe way. 

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