
VidCorp director of strategic relationships Karl Deitz details how SMS can open the digital door to your customers. 

There’s no hiding from the catastrophic impact COVID-19 has had on the retail sector. 

The virus has cut into every single part of society, but has also sparked innovation in the ways technology is being used to not so much transition, but evolve into a future way of doing business.

When considering which pieces of the tech puzzle to implement in your business it’s critical that they work together in providing your customers with the most seamless and easy experience.

And nothing comes easier than a good ‘ol SMS.

Why SMS?

A knock on the digital door

The focus and key objective for retailers is now on how to maximise the reach and effectiveness of their communication channels.

SMS is a native feature across all devices and as such has above 95% open rates.

Putting your organisation and products on this shelf, so to speak, gives you strong exposure to a potential audience – or even better, presenting your products to existing or previous customers to get them back through your digital doors (which were possibly your physical doors prior to COVID-19)

Friends, family and familiarity

You may already be utilising a number of engagement channels or digital solutions across your business, however when it comes to customer touchpoints and interactions it needs to be seamless, effortless and of course trustworthy.

SMS has traditionally been the safe haven for family and friends to communicate prior to the introduction of other messaging apps.

Today, organisations that present personalised, relevant and timely communications with their audience via SMS are much more likely to have the desired outcomes…and additionally build the brand support and raving customer loyalty that we all so dearly strive for.

Do you really need to send another SMS?

Only send your customers an SMS if you can give a resounding 'yes!' to the following three questions.

1. Am I offering customers something of value and relevant to them?

2. Have I used data insights to personalise and ‘narrowcast’ my message (this is the opposite to the common ‘catch all’ broadcast blast to the whole database).

3. Are you telling your customers something different from your competitors or is it just another standard promo message?

Make sure you do this

1. Determine how many mobile numbers you have on your customer database and see what percentage this is of your overall database. 

2. ‘Respect and Protect’ the mobile numbers that you have – they are well guarded and a very personal entrance into your customer's life.

3. Test and learn and start small to see how your customers behave and interact with your messages – continually revise to improve.

4. Measure where your success is coming from and dial each up and down accordingly. 

At VidCorp we guide and educate our clients to reach their customers via smart, personalised and pretty damn exciting mobile engagement. Contact us at or on 1300 131 657.

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