
Brand Collective CEO Eric Morris will join a power lineup of industry speakers at Ragtrader Live.

The half-day conference will take place at The Ivy, Sydney on June 8.

Register here now as tickets are moving fast. 

Cue executive director Justin Levis, APG&Co CEO Elisha Hopkinson and Harrolds MD Mary Poulakis will also join the stage for ‘Built To Last: How To Become A Fashion Success Story’.

The afternoon event will unearth successful fashion business strategies and insights through panel discussions, presentations and interviews.

As one of the biggest stories of 2022, Brand Collective will reveal its journey to becoming the third-largest fashion retail group via its merger with PAS Group.

The deal, effective April 26, aggregated 26 brands and 15 character licences across 300 retail locations, 250 wholesale accounts and 3000 staff.

Trading under the Brand Collective banner, the move has made it a top three retailer in Australia with revenue exceeding $600 million.

Ragtrader publisher Assia Benmedjdoub said this year marked a special edition of Ragtrader Live.

"As Ragtrader enters its 50th year in business, we are honoured to be shining a light on the trailblazers in our industry," she said. "It has been a privilege for this publication to grow with the sector and the event will conclude with celebratory networking drinks."

The event is powered by platinum sponsor Facebook, gold sponsor The Retail Score, panel sponsors Afterpay and Adyen, silver sponsors Apparel 21, Kornit, Checkpoint Systems and supporting sponsors eStar and Centric Software.

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